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I have been reached out by The Body Shop to illustrate an 8-page story book and 3 badge samples for a promotional activity to narrate the journey of a little wonky carrot from farm to skincare.


I was also to appear at their promotional event at Tampines Mall to draw live in front of the customers.


This was to promote the relaunch their line of carrot products, which had been discontinued a few years ago.


The client wanted 3 parts included in the story book cum activity book:

  • Part 1: An ugly carrot is born in a British family farm and then sent to the supermarket. At the supermarket, everyone picks the perfect looking ones.

  • Part 2: Explain that The Body Shop appreciates that ugly carrots are useful and functional too. Thus, they made their way to The Body Shop.

  • Part 3: Show all the benefits found in The Body Shop's Carrot Wash and Carrot Cream


From this understanding, I developed a storyboard and sent it to the client for review:


After discussing with The Body Shop's team about the ideas and the write-up, a second revision to the storyboard was made.


Here are the changes:


The concept was approved and I proceeded with the coloured artworks.


a flip-through video of the storybook:

I was also commissioned to do 3 badge samples for the customers to refer to when they are at the badge-making station during the promotional event.


These are the sketches I provided the client with:


The client fell in love with the concepts given and I was given a huge YES to continue with the designs.


They were printed onto an A1 board as shown below:


I was also marketed on The Body Shop's social media as one of the invited guest artist for the event at Tampines Mall.


Live pun drawing: drew 300 carrots for 300 people in 4 days


This is probably my proudest takeaway from this collaboration - to be able to complete 300 carrots for 300 people in 4 days. Of course, not all 300 people are pictured above because some of them are shy and some, I forgot to snap a photograph for.


The carrots are drawn right in front of the customer with colour markers, colour pencils and POSCAs.


Almost all of the carrots are either doing a "Carrate" move, or being beautiful by just standing there as a "Miss Carrot Universe", or appearing as their most transparent self as a "Mr Tall & Wonky".


I had a lot of fun doing this collaboration with The Body Shop. Really grateful towards Natalie - the main person I communicated with throughout the whole project. Here's just a GIF of us being cute:

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